We Become What We Behold is an intriguing and thought-provoking point-and-click game developed by the talented Nicky Case. In this one-of-a-kind gaming experience, lasting approximately five minutes, players assume the role of a news photographer, capturing moments that shape the narrative of the Squares and Circles. Your choices regarding what to include and exclude from your camera's frame will ultimately determine the trajectory of the story.
Embark on your journey by capturing seemingly innocuous misunderstandings between a Circle and a Square, and observe as your decisions progressively amplify the tension between these two contrasting masses. The game serves as a poignant reflection on how social media platforms tend to magnify minor discrepancies, transforming them into grotesque monstrosities that pervade our society.
As you delve deeper into the game, take note of how your actions affect the world around you. Witness firsthand how the power of media can manipulate and exacerbate conflicts, perpetuating an endless cycle of anger and resentment. It becomes abundantly clear that peace and love are overshadowed by the allure of hostility and animosity. Even the calming sounds of crickets are eclipsed by the cacophony of hatred.
We Become What We Behold is a profound exploration of the intricate relationship between society and the media. Through your camera lens, you have the ability to capture pivotal moments that significantly impact the population. As you interact with Square and Circle individuals, each harboring their own unique stories, you'll find yourself immersed in a world filled with captivating artwork and complemented by a fitting soundscape.
To play, simply utilize the left mouse button to capture a moment in time. Manoeuvre the camera indicator across the screen, carefully selecting the perfect angle, and click to immortalize the scene. Strive to capture photographs that are both distinctive and eventful, for it is through these snapshots that the game's narrative unravels.
We Become What We Behold is a game that defies convention and embraces the unconventional. It invites you to explore the weird and the strange, to uncover the underlying truths within a simulated world. With its simple mouse-only controls and engaging point-and-click mechanics, it caters to a diverse range of players, regardless of gaming experience.
Within this realm of absurdity and satire, you'll encounter a myriad of emotions, from amusement to bewilderment, as you navigate through a series of captivating stories. The game seamlessly blends elements of humor and seriousness, creating a thought-provoking experience that challenges societal norms and expectations.
Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as you bear witness to the power of the media. We Become What We Behold plunges you into a world where breaking news takes center stage, and the consequences of your actions can lead to an apocalyptic climax drenched in bloodshed.
Unleash your creativity, embrace the bizarre, and embark on a journey that will forever change your perspective. We Become What We Behold is more than just a game; it's a social commentary, an exploration of human nature, and a mirror reflecting the society we have become. Choose wisely, for in this realm of chaos, your decisions shape the destiny of all those caught within its grasp.