Educational Games
Game Count
Played 6,831 times
81 4

Name of game:

The Tower of Hanoi


The Tower of Hanoi is a mathematical game or puzzle. It consists of three rods and a number of disks of different sizes, which can slide onto any rod. The puzzle starts with the disks in a neat stack in ascending order of size on one rod, the smallest at the top, thus making a conical shape.

The objective of the puzzle is to move the entire stack to another rod, obeying the following simple rules:

1. Only one disk can be moved at a time.
2. Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack.
3. No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

With 3 disks, the puzzle can be solved in 7 moves. The minimal number of moves required to solve a Tower of Hanoi puzzle is 2n - 1, where n is the number of disks.

How to play?


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Date of publish:

1/11/2018 12:13:14 AM

Similar Categories:

Brain Brain Teaser Brain Teasers Cool Math Education Educational Math Mathematical Mathematics Maths Puzzle

Original Name:

The Tower of Hanoi

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