Memory Games
Game Count
Played 5,602 times
57 4

Name of game:

The Lost Bride


Find the bride and take her to the church. Before the pink fog shadows your mind, make sure you memorized the road carefully, because if you take the wrong way, you'll get dirty and you can't go to the church in a dirty suit! Hurry up, do not let the wedding guests get bored. If it is necessary, pick up the rings and the bunch of fl owers too, before picking up your bride. Observe the grids, the location of the objects and the bridges and then you can easily memorize the road.

How to play?

Find the bride and take her to the church! Hurry up, do not let the wedding guests get bored!

Walkthrough Video:

Date of publish:

11/15/2016 7:52:05 PM

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Original Name:

The Lost Bride

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