Matching Games
Game Count
Played 12,796 times
67 5

Name of game:

Rancho Ranch


A matching game that makes you think? Rancho Ranch innovates on matching games in literally twisted ways.

Help a hapless rancher break an alien curse by channeling the life energy of the herd. Twist clockwise, twist counterclockwise, utter an occasional cry of despair, until that "woot" moment when all the farm animals of a kind are connected to each other.

How to play?

Connect all farm animals of a kind to each other.
Click the right side of a crop circle to twist clockwise.
Click the left side to twist counterclockwise.
Avoid predators.
Feed hungry or thirsty farm animals.
Watch out for uni-directional crop circles.
Wormholes swap stuff.

Walkthrough Video:

Date of publish:

12/29/2015 12:56:24 AM

Similar Categories:

Animal Animals BestGirl Cute Dojo Farm Farm Animals Girls Kid Kids Logic Matching Ranch Thinking

Original Name:

Rancho Ranch

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