Board Games
Game Count
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Name of game:

Ludo Legend


The gameplay with the game Ludo should be known widely. Show your strategy skill and have fun with your friends in this awesome Ludo game! Each player has 4 figures which can be unlocked with rolling a six. The figure now needs to run a whole round and reach the own stairs. Up to 3 other players try to do the same and can beat each other if they land on the same spot as a current figure. The one who is the fastest to get all his figures to the stairs will win the game.

Even if you’re a normally polite person, Ludo is your opportunity to be a little bit rude! Don’t worry, it’s all part of the game. Here’s how it works: each player is associated with a color, and each corner of the board is home to that color. If you’re the green player, for example, you start in the green corner of the board. This area is called the yard and you can’t get your four pieces out of it until you roll a six. For each turn, players get to roll two dice (sometimes one) by simply clicking or tapping. Whatever number you roll, that’s how far you get to move one of your pieces. Your objective is to get your pieces all the way around the board and to the very center of it using the pathway that matches your color. Here’s where the rude (and fun) part comes in: if you land on the same space as another player at the end of a turn, you get to send them back to the start!

How to play?


Walkthrough Video:

Date of publish:

10/28/2021 2:25:08 PM

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Original Name:

Ludo Legend

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